A pre-engagement employers event ahead of Porthcawl Jobs Fair will be taking place for Bridgend businesses.
The breakfast event will be taking place on Tuesday 28 January from 08:30am until 10:30am and is an opportunity for employers who want to find out more about the job fair and how they can promote their vacancies to a wide audience.
For smaller employers unable to attend the jobs fair, the breakfast networking session provides an opportunity to share vacancies with the Employability Bridgend team so that these opportunities can be promoted on the day, via the Job Fair Jobs Board and afterwards.
Additionally, those employers who will be present at the job fair will find the session a beneficial way to connect prior to the event and network with other employers, alongside the Employability Bridgend and Job Centre Plus teams, to help make the most of the time they are committing to attending.
The BCBC Enterprise team will also be available to discuss grant funding opportunities.
If you would like to attend, contact the Employability Bridgend team on Jobs-EmployabilityBridgend@bridgend.gov.uk or 01656 815317.
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